Products and Services
Shingijutsu Connection is a group of specially-trained, English-speaking Shingijutsu consultants based in the United States.
The Shingijutsu Connection offers two unique, hands-on experiences for students of continuous improvement. In the North American Kaizen Seminar, students partner with team members from the host site to identify waste and make immediate improvement in actual work areas. The teams work hard to implement their solutions in real time and are rewarded with the sense of accomplishment that comes from witnessing dramatic improvements in quality, safety and flow. In the Production Preparation Process (3P) / Moonshine Competition, teams use their 12-year-old minds, The Nos of Manufacturing and the Nakao Method to simulate and finalize waste-free production processes and shop floor layouts for new products. At the end of the week, teams demonstrate their 'ideal state production' and a panel of judges selects the winning team. A fun, creative, competitive week at the Super Bowl of continuous improvement! For more information, contact us |
©2020 Copyright - Shingijutsu USA
Shingijutsu USA Specializes in Kaizen, Lean Manufacturing, Lean Process Improvement, Kanban, Just-in-Time, Sensei, Toyota Production System, Nakao